WSGN/Coloro Color of the Year for 2025 is FUTURE DUSK! "Future Dusk is a dark, moody and intriguing hue, sitting between blue and purple. It has a sense of mystery and escapism, and feeds into themes of transition – whether it be moving from dark to light, or dusk to dawn – making it perfect for a period of immense change. It offers a fresh take on dependable dark blue, and manages to feel simultaneously familiar and futuristic." (source: WSGN)
Unlike past years, I've decided to start utilizing the WSGN yearly color forecast instead of Pantone's, which is released mid-December each year. WSGN announces theirs far ahead of time, and their selections are more fashion-cosmetic oriented, so they are a better fit for us!
NOTE: While we have made all attempts for photographs to accurately depict colors, photography unfortunately does not accurately reveal the depth and interplay of color and effect of these shadows. Also, please note that variations do exist between different computer monitors.